Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Lord Bless you and Keep You

Changes are always hard for me to deal with. The youth pastor and his wife that I have been working with at my church with the youth program are moving on. I am excited for the opportunity that they are heading to but sad because I am going to miss them. I was asked to decorate the book of memories that they would be presented with. I decided to make a water colored replica of one of the stained glass windows in the sanctuary. 

As I worked on this water colored replica of the original art, I pondered about the stain glass artist. As this window was installed over 100 years ago, I don't know if anyone knows anything about the artist. I plan on asking the oldest members of the congregation to see if they might know anything about them.  What I have always loved about this window is the colors where the teal and brown blend into eachother. 


  1. What an honor for your work to be given to the youth pastor and his wife. They will cherish this beautiful memory that you have made for them.

  2. I am sure that as you worked on this God gave you some peace about the whole situation, knowing that the youth pastor and his wife will be taking it, and part of your work and your love, with them. An fabulous result MariLynn.
    Stay safe
